by Dulfie Sakyiama, UCA PhD candidate

In this immersive exhibition, the exhibition steps the audience into the captivating world of Asante contemporary jewellery.

Event details

  • 6 May 2024 - 17 May 2024

    10:00-16:00 (GMT)

    Foyer Gallery, UCA Farnham and Link Gallery, UCA Epsom

Interact - Dulfie Sakyiama

Here, the jewellery takes centre stage, beckoning viewers to embark on a tactile journey through the profound meanings encapsulated in each piece. The display is a tangible representation of the research's focal point: unravelling the cognitive interaction between the maker and the viewer.

As the viewer traverses the exhibition, the jewellery becomes more than adornment; it transforms into a narrative tapestry. The audience is invited to witness and actively partake in this storytelling. Feel the jewellery beneath your fingertips, observe the intricate designs, and let the symbolism unfold before your eyes.

This exhibition is a sensory orchestra, harmonising touch, sight, and contemplation. Immersing the viewer in the experience—touch the jewellery, feel its weight, and let the visual narratives resonate. It's a deliberate choice, a departure from traditional displays, aiming to kindle interpretations of symbols and forge personal connections. This approach seamlessly mirrors the exhibition's core research theme, making it an unmissable exploration of Asante contemporary jewellery.

Foyer Gallery, Farnham: May 6 - 10 , 2024
Preview on May 9

Link Gallery, Epsom: May 13 - 17, 2024

Interact - Dulfie Sakyiama