at UCA

UCA understands its important role in protecting the safety and wellbeing of its students, staff, and any visitors from risk of abuse, neglect, or radicalisation. 

To that end we have a comprehensive safeguarding policy covering all areas of safety, which sets out the values and procedures we have in place to highlight potential safeguarding issues, how to raise any concerns, and the steps UCA will take to deal with them.

Read our full safeguarding policy.

How to report a concern

If you need to report a concern about yourself or someone else, then there are slightly different procedures depending on if you are a student, a member of staff, or a visitor.

For students

We appreciate the effort and courage it can take to speak to someone, but it’s important that you do – especially if you or someone else is in danger.

If you have a concern, we ask you to speak to one of the following people as soon as you are able to:

  • A tutor, lecturer or Programme Director.
  • Staff at Gateway Services.
  • A First Response Officer, Lead Designated Person, or designated person for safeguarding. (You’ll find their contact details in Appendix 1 of our safeguarding policy).

For more information, please visit the UCA Student Portal’s Safeguarding pages.

For staff

There are procedures and advice in place to raise your own concerns, and to pass on concerns reported to you by students, colleagues and visitors.

Please go to the UCA Staff Portal’s Safeguarding page for information on this.

Report + Support

Report+Support is an online platform for students, staff and visitors to report discrimination, misconduct, harassment, or assault against themselves or others. You can tell us what happened, or submit an anonymous or attributed report, and access a range of support services and resources. We’ll deal with all reports, no matter how small. Sensitively, honestly, and professionally.

Visit UCA's Report + Support site