Curator, Crafts Study Centre

  • Academic
  • Professional Practice
Greta Bertram

Greta Bertram is Curator of the Crafts Study Centre at UCA Farnham.


Greta joined the Crafts Study Centre in 2017. Previous roles have included work on a variety of cataloguing and research projects at the University of Hertfordshire, the Polar Museum, University of Cambridge, and The Museum of English Rural Life, University of Reading.

She was a Trustee of the Heritage Crafts Association 2011–2018, during which time she conducted a major piece of research into the current state of traditional crafts in the UK to produce the 'Red List of Endangered Crafts'.

Greta graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in Japanese Studies. She completed her MA in Museum Studies at UCL, writing her dissertation on craft as intangible heritage.

Research statement

Greta’s research interests include craft, especially basketry, intangible heritage, and the role of museums in supporting the transmission of craft and other skills.

Greta Bertram