Lecturer in Human Resource Management & Talent Management

Academic by passion, Dr Ekta is a lecturer for Human Resource Management and Talent Management at BSCI, UCA. She is an experienced faculty specializing in OB-HR, Entrepreneurship, and Communications, with notable research publications and contributions to respected publications.
A committed and passionate academic, Dr Ekta comes with 11+ years of rich experience in the domain of Human Resources Management-Organizational Behaviour, Entrepreneurship and Communications. A first-class MBA and UGC-NET qualified, her Ph. D. is from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai.
Before joining UCA in 2023, Dr Ekta worked for reputed business schools and universities in India, like SP Jain School of Global Management, Mumbai University, SPJIMR and Gujarat University. Besides impacting the lives of 5000+ students, she has also mentored 10+ start-up ideas and has coached 1000+ executives on their career and CV. She has successfully completed consulting assignments with corporates on organizational training/development and appraisal.
As an academic she has published research papers, teaching cases and book-chapters in reputed referred national/international Journals (ABS/ABDC/SCOPUS/WOS indexed) and conference proceedings. She has presented her work in esteemed national and international conferences such as, Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) and International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV) among others. Her case studies have been published with Ivey, The Case Centre and Asian Case Research Journal. Her experiences also include coaching professionals on career, sustainability and entrepreneurship. She also serves on the editorial and reviewer boards of reputed journals. Dr Ekta is an Advisory Board member of one of India's leading universities.
She believes in living life to its fullest exploring all its facets. she is into academics because she believes that sharing knowledge is the best way of acquiring it. She loves music, dance, gardening, and exploring new places. Committed to life-long learning, her passion is to help others realize their full potential and bring out best in them.
Links to some of her works are as below:
Research statement
Dr Ekta’s research interests cover a broad range of topics including technology for good, impact of technology on human behaviour and critical employee outcomes such as engagement and well-being. She has conducted cross-functional research to gain a comprehensive understanding of the interrelated aspects of sustainability, technology, entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship and human behaviour.
Participation as Key-note Speaker and Resource Person
- Faculty Trainer (EMP) on “Personnel Management – Organizational Behaviour” at Department of Atomic Energy, Administrative Training Institute, Government of India on 24th November 2022.
- Keynote Speaker on “Developing the right Negotiation Skills” at the Institute of Financial Account (IFA) Ghana Chapter for its Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Event on October 6th 2022.
- Plenary Speaker at the 4th International Webinar on Psychology, Psychology Clinical & Mental Health, Organised by Scientific Meditech, United Kingdom. February 04-05, 2022, Online Conference.
- Resource Person at the Government Arts & Commerce College/B.Ed. College Kacchal, Gujarat. On the topic “Personal Growth and Opportunities Around”, May 19, 2020.
Research outputs
Research papers
- Sinha, E. (2023). ‘Co-creating’ experiential learning in the metaverse-extending the Kolb's learning cycle and identifying potential challenges. The International Journal of Management Education, 21 (3), 100875. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2023.100875
- Sinha, E. and Laghate, K. (2023). Individual self-concept and after-hours work behaviour: Effect on employee engagement and the moderating roles of POS and PSS. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 7(1): 100451. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100451
- Sinha, E. and D’Souza K. (2022). Experiential learning through applied theatre in corporate training: a qualitative approach. Journal of Management Development, 41(7/8): 431-449 https://doi.org/10.1108/JMD-05-2022-0102
- Sinha, E. (2022). Managerial Intrapreneurship: Effect of Individual level Competencies and Mediating Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, XVIII (2): 3-51.
- Sinha, E. (2022). Identifying enablers and outcomes of circular economy for sustainable development: A systematic Literature review. Business Strategy and Development. 1-13. http://doi.org/10.1002/bsd2.195
- Sinha, E. and Laghate, K. (2021). “After-Hours Work Behaviour”, From Anytime-Anywhere to Round The Clock-Everywhere: Exploring The Antecedents. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 11(4): 303-318.
- Sinha, E. (2021). Circular economy—A way forward to Sustainable Development: Identifying Conceptual Overlaps and Contingency Factors at the Microlevel. Sustainable Development, 30(4), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2263
- Sinha, E. (2021). Towards an Integrative Framework of Intrapreneurship by Focusing on Individual Level Competencies. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, 17(1): 106-163.
- Sinha, E. and Bagarukayo, K. (2019). Online Education in Emerging Knowledge Economies: Exploring factors of motivation, de-motivation and potential facilitators; and studying the effects of demographic variables. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology,15(2): 5-30.
- Sinha, E. and Laghate, K. (2019). After Work Notification Stress: Contributor towards Employee Stress. SPECTRUM, VII (1): 318-328.
- Sinha, E. and D’Souza C. K. (2017). ‘Digitization and Women: Pointers from Mumbai’. Paper presented and published at the 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of e-Governance, ICEGOV2017, New Delhi. ACM Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2263
- Sinha, E. (2017). ‘Emotional Intelligence: Proximal Factor of Entrepreneurial Behaviour’, Published in the conference Proceedings at Twelfth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmadabad. Vol-1, Pp: 109-119.
- Sinha, E., (2016). Article titled ‘Transforming NGOs through Digitization in Knowledge Economy’. Published in the conference proceedings at National Conference on Recent Trends in Digital Empowerment in Emerging Economies. G. Saraf College, University of Mumbai: Mumbai, India. 2:154-159.
- Sinha, E. (2013). A research work on Employee Satisfaction Measurement with special reference to KRIBHCO, Surat. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, 3 (1): 523-529
- Sinha, E. (2012). Women Entrepreneurship with special reference to SRIMCA, Bardoli, Gujarat. ANVESHAN, III (1): 30-35.
Book chapters
- Sinha, E. (2023). Integrating Human and Artificial Intelligence Within Organizations: A Conceptual Framework Based on Artistry and Scientific HR Elements. In Sharma, N and Kumar, S. (Eds), Managing Technology Integration for Human Resources in Industry 5.0. IGI Global, USA. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6745-9.ch004 (SCOPUS)
- Sinha, E. (2022). “PREFACE”- Leadership in the Times of Crises: Evidences from Indian SME Sector. In Dana, L., Sharma, N. and Singh, V. (Eds), Managing Human Resources in SMEs and Startups. World Scientific Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811239212_0014 (SCOPUS)
- Sinha, E. (2020). Transforming and Facilitating Quality Education in Developing Knowledge Economy: The Indian Perspective. Developing Knowledge Societies for Distinct Country Contexts, edited by Lopes, N. and Baguma, R. Pp- 85-121. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8873-3.ch004
Teaching cases
- Forthcoming Case In Ivey Publications (2023).
- Sinha, E. and Sharma, N. (2022). Team Building through Experiential training? ET Cases Team Building through Experiential training? (https://www.etcases.com/)
- Sinha, E. and Ajgaonkar, M. (2020). The Infosys Saga: An Indian IT Giant Faces a Leadership Crisis. Asian Case Research Journal, 24(1), 13-34. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218927520500017 (ABDC Listed)
- Sinha, E. and D’Souza, K. (2016). “Bright Horizon: Building Skills for Life” published with ETCases in December 2016. URL Bright Horizon Building Skills for Life | The Case Centre; http://www.etcases.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=ekta and with THE CASE CENTRE, UK, Reference no: 816-0128-1.
Conference presentations
- Paper titled, “Post COVID- 19 Online Assessment Vows: An Exploration of Potential Merits, Barriers, and Solutions”, presented at the IIM Indore – GIZ Germany Conference, IIM Indore, 16-17th April 2022. (Third Prize across tracks)
- Paper titled, “Activist Content Sharing and Creation of Narratives in Social Media: The Role of Human Behaviour” presented at the 8th International Communication Management Conference ICMC 2022, MICA and University of Southampton, 5-7 January 2022.
- Presented Case titled “Elon Musk and SpaceX” at the 11th International Conference on Management Cases organized by BIMTech, Noida Campus. (2021).
- Paper titled “Individual Self-Concept and After-Hours Work Behaviour: Effect on Employee Engagement and the Moderating role of POS and PSS”, presented at the 1st PRISM Conference jointly organized by Dr. Pritam Singh Foundation, O.P. Jindal Global University and ESCP Business School on 17-19 Nov 2021.
- Case titled, “Patanjali: Business Model based on Unique Marketing Mix and Trust” presented in the PSGIM's Management Case Conference 2021, Tamil Nadu, India on 30th October 2021.
- Paper titled, “Circular Economy – A Way Forward to Sustainable Development: Identifying Conceptual Overlapping and Barriers” presented at the MICA’s 7th International Communication Management Conference in association with Texas Moody, 7th-9th January 2021.
- Paper titled, “Creation of Narratives Through Social Media: The Role of Human Behaviour”, Presented at The International Conference on, “Building a Self-Reliant India- Role of Media”, Organized by Amity Global University in Collaboration with UNICEF on 24th & 25th July 2020. (BEST Paper across tracks)
- Paper titled “Effect of Personality on After-Work Notification Strain”, Presented at INDAM 2020 at IIM Trichy. January 2-4, 2020.
- Sinha, E. and Laghate, K. (2018). Entrepreneurial Behaviour among Managers: Effect of Emotional Intelligence, Gender and Managerial Level. Presented at International Conference on Advances in Business Management, ICABM- 2018. 14th -15th December 2018. SIBM Pune India. Published in the Book of Abstracts: Emerald Group Publishing (India) Private Limited. Page-39.
- Sinha, E. and Bagarukayo, K. (2018). e-Education in Emerging Knowledge Economies: A Study of India and Uganda. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Technology and Management ICTM-18. 6th - 7th August 2018 at Silver Springs Hotel Bugolobi in Kampala Uganda.
- Poster Paper, titled “Employee Engagement & Well Being: Role of After Work Notification Stress, Organization Support and Supervisor Support”, accepted for presentation at the 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2018) and its affiliated conferences to be held at the Loews Sapphire Falls Resort, Universal Studios Orlando™, Florida, USA, July 21-25, 2018.
- Sinha, E., (2016). Article titled ‘Transforming NGOs through Digitization in Knowledge Economy’ presented at National Conference on Recent Trends in Digital Empowerment in Emerging Economies, Saraf College, Mumbai.
- Extended Abstract on ‘Assessing the effect of EI on Learning Abilities among Higher education Students with gender as moderating Variable’ accepted for presentation and Publication at London University, for London International Conference for Advanced Research in Business, 20 June 2016.
- Abstract on ‘Assessing the effect of EI on Learning Abilities among Higher education Students with gender as moderating Variable’ accepted for presentation & Publication at the Conference on Emerging trends in Management and Research, IMDR Pune, February 2016.
- Extended Abstract on ‘Sustainable development: NGO, Social Entrepreneurship and CSR as distinctive contributors’ accepted for the conference presentation on Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, January 2014.
Research supervision
Dr Ekta has supervised 100+ Students’ Master Projects during her stint at various universities and she is interested In supervising PhD students in different areas of HRM-OB, Sustainability, Technology & Critical Employee Outcomes, and Entrepreneurship.
- Advisory Board Member: Vijay Patil School of Management, D.Y. Patil Deemed to be University, Mumbai
- Associate Editor: Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
- Editorial Board Member: International Review of Business and Economics (by State University of Denver, USA)
- Member: Indian Academy of Management (affiliate of Academy of Management, USA)
- Reviewer Board Member: International Journal of Education and Development using ICT
- Academic Member: The Emerging Markets Society, USA
- Secured THIRD place at the IIMI-GIZ Germany Conference held on 16th-17th April 2022.
- Won the BEST PAPER AWARD, at the International Conference on, “Building a Self-Reliant India- Role of Media”, Organized by Amity University in Collaboration with UNICEF on 24th & 25th July 2020.