Want to build your confidence, knowledge and skills while seeing the world over your summer break? Summer Opportunities offer you the chance to experience living, studying or even volunteering overseas.

More Information

To apply for any of the summer opportunities promoted by UCA you must apply directly with the host organisation. On your application, make sure you mark UCA as your home school or institution as this will allow you to apply for grant funding

The cost depends on the summer opportunity and is set by the host organisation.

Through the Turing Scheme, UCA offers grants for students who participate in overseas summer programs lasting 28 days or more. These grants help support the cost of travelling overseas to participate in a summer programme or experience.

To apply for a grant, you must apply and be enrolled in one of our selected partners on this page. Once you have enrolled, email a copy of your enrolment or payment receipt to exchange@uca.ac.uk.

We will supply you with the grant application form to be completed and returned to UCA.

Signing up to a Summer programme to either study, work or volunteer overseas during your summer break will allow you not only to see the world, but grow your international experience.  Whether you choose to complete a course related to your UCA degree field, learn something new or go do something you enjoy, you will make new friends, experience new cultures, grow your confidence, and boost your employability.