Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour

Umar Farooq Sahibzada is a Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at UCA Business School for the Creative Industries.
Dr. Umar Farooq Sahibzada did his PhD in Management Science and Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China. Dr. Umar earned the CSC Excellent Student Award in 2020 and the Outstanding Student Award from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2021. Dr. Umar's main expertise includes Qualitative, Quantitative, mixed methods, Symmetric and Asymmetric analysis (Fuzzy set- Qualitative comparative analysis), and multi-level modelling.
Dr. Umar is currently the Associate Editor in Heliyon, Editorial Advisor for the Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration and Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal. He authored several peer-reviewed articles and attended different international conferences. He remained a permanent and adjunct faculty of different Pakistani universities.
Research statement
My research supervision is focused both on leadership, (counter) productive behaviour, Innovation and entrepreneurship, human resource management and learning outcomes.
I focus on cultivating independent research and learning skills such that the research students not only publish the output of their theses in internationally renowned journals of their respective fields but also conduct impactful research that develops theory and contributes to society.
I also offer help and mentoring in reflection, literature review, data analysis, and academic writing, as and when needed.
Research outputs
- Sahibzada, U.F., Janjua, N, A., Muavia, M., (2023). Knowledge Oriented Leadership and Organizational Performance: Service Innovation, Knowledge Sharing Quality: The Missing Links during COVID-19. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, DOI: 10.1108/JOEPP-10-2022-0296. (ABDC-A, ESCI)
- Sahibzada, U. F., & Mumtaz., A. (2023). Knowledge Management Processes towards Organizational Performance- A Knowledge-Based View Perspective: An Analogy of Emerging and Developing Economies. Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 1057-1091. (IF: 3.4, ABS: 2)
- Sahibzada, U. F., Thomas, A., Khan. M. S. U. & Malik, M. (2022). Nexus of knowledge management and organizational performance: A cross-cultural study of China and Pakistan Higher Educational Institutes. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-08-2021-0768. (IF: 1.75, ABS: 1) *
- Sahibzada, U. F.,, X, Afshan. G., & Khalid. R. (2021). Knowledge-Oriented Leadership Towards Organizational Performance: Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Approach. Business Process Management Journal. Vol. 72 No. 1, pp. 112-129 (IF: 3.4, ABS: 2)
- Sahibzada, U. F., Latif, F., & Yan., X, (2021). Symmetric and Asymmetric Modeling of Knowledge Management Enablers to Knowledge Management Processes and Knowledge Worker Productivity in Higher Education Institutes. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. Vol. 35 No. 3, pp. 729-756. (IF: 5.3, ABS: 2)
- Sahibzada, U. F., Latif, F., Yan., X & Khalid., R (2020). Catalyzing Knowledge Management Processes towards Knowledge Worker Satisfaction: Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Journal of Knowledge Management. Vol. 24 No. 10, pp. 2373-2400. (IF: 8.1, ABS: 2)
- Sahibzada, U. F., Jianfeng, C., Latif, F., Shah, S., A. & Sahibzada, H., F. (2020). Refueling Knowledge Management Processes towards Organizational Performance: Mediating Role of Creative Organizational Learning. Knowledge Management Research and Practice. Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 1-13. (IF: 3.0, ABS: 2)
- Sahibzada, U. F., Jianfeng, C., Latif, F., & Sahibzada, H., F. (2020). Fueling Knowledge Management Processes in Chinese Higher Education (HEI’s): The Neglected Mediating Role of Knowledge Worker Satisfaction. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. 33 No. 6, pp. 1395-1417. (IF: 5.3, ABS: 2)
- Sahibzada, U. F., Jianfeng, C., Latif, F., & Shafait, Z. Sahibzada, H., F. (2020). Interpreting the impact of knowledge management processes on organizational performance in Chinese higher education: Mediating Role of Knowledge Worker Productivity. Studies in Higher Education. Vol. 47 No. 4, pp. 713-730. (IF: 6.8, ABS: 3)
- Sahibzada, U. F., Cai, J., Latif, K. F., & Sahibzada, H. F. (2020). Knowledge management processes, knowledge worker satisfaction, and organizational performance. Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol. 72 No. 1, pp. 112-129. (IF: 2.3, ABS: 1)
- Sahibzada, U. F., Jianfeng, C., Latif, F., & Shafait, Z. (2019). Development and validation of a multidimensional instrument for measuring internal marketing in Chinese higher education. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 413-435. (IF: 5.3, ABS: 2)
- Latif, K. F., Machuca, M. M., Marimon, F., & Sahibzada, U. F (2023). Direct and configurational paths of servant leadership to career and life satisfaction in higher education: Cross-cultural study of Spain, China, and Pakistan. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, https://doi.org/10.1080/10911359.2023.2218439. (ABDC-A, ESCI)
- Latif, K. F., Tariq, R., Muneb, D., Sahibzada, U. F., Ahmed, M, S,. (2022). University social responsibility and performance: the role of service quality, reputation, student satisfaction and trust. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/08841241.2022.2139791. (IF: 3.90, ABS: 2)
- Muavia, M., Hussain, Ghulam., Sahibzada, U.F. (2022). Workplace Spirituality, Knowledge-hiding, and the Mediating Role of Organizational Identification: Evidence from Pakistan. International Journal of Emerging Markets. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-03-2021-0388. (IF: 2.48, ABS: 2)
- Muavia, M., Hussain, Ghulam., Sahibzada, U.F., Ismail, Wan., Khair-uz-zaman, Wan. (2022). Employee’s Regulatory focus and intrapreneurship: Modelling the mediating role of creative self-efficacy and thriving. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEEE-08-2021-0301. (ABDC-B, ESCI)
- Ashraf, Z., Afshan, G., & Sahibzada, U. F. (2021). Unpacking strategic corporate social responsibility in the time of crisis: a critical review. Journal of Global Responsibility. https://doi.org/10.1108/JGR-03-2021-0030.(ABDC-B, ESCI)
- Afshan, G., Sahibzada, U. F., Shaikh, H, Mughal, Y, H., Kundi, G, (2021). Supervisor’s Knowledge Hiding and Knowledge-based Trust: From the lens of Social Impact Theory. Aslib Journal of Information Management. DOI 10.1108/AJIM-06-2021-0165. (IF: 2.3, ABS: 1)
- M. S. U., Irfan. I, Durst. S, Sahibzada, U. F., Wasim. A; Tsui, E., (2021) Knowledge Retention in Oil and Gas Industry – The Case of Contract Workforce. Kybernetes. https://doi.org/K-06-2021-0458 (ABS-A, IF: 1.75)
- Shafait Z, Khan MA, Sahibzada U. F, Dacko-Pikiewicz Z, Popp J (2021) An assessment of students’ emotional intelligence, learning outcomes, and academic efficacy: A correlational study in higher education. PLoS ONE16(8): e0255428. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0255428 (IF: 3.24, SSCI)
- Sahibzada, H. F., Jianfeng, C., Sahibzada, U. F., R. & Afshan. G., (2021). Unpacking Knowledge Management and Organizational Performance: A Comparison between Emerging and Developing Countries. Aslib Journal of Information Management. DOI 10.1108/AJIM-11-2020-0358. (IF: 2.3, ABS: 1)
- Shahzadi, A, Li, S, Sahibzada, U, F, Malik, M, Khalid, R, & Afshan, G, (2021). The dynamic relationship of knowledge management processes and project success: Modeling the mediating role of knowledge worker satisfaction. Business Process Management Journal. DOI 10.1108/BPMJ-08-2021-0500 (IF: 3.4, ABS: 2)
- H., Wang. M., Ramzan. S., Sahibzada, U. F. & Jianfeng. C, (2021). Disentangling the effect of personal abilities and socio-demographic variables on entrepreneurial intentions: Implications for entrepreneurship pedagogy. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, (Preprint). (ESCI)
- Ma, Y., Cai, J., Wang, Y., & Sahibzada, U. F, (2021). From venture capital towards venture firm innovation performance: evidence from SMEs of China. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, (Preprint), 1-7. (IF: 1.8, SSCI)
- Shafait, Z., Yuming, Z., & Sahibzada, U. F. (2021). Emotional intelligence and conflict management: an execution of organisational learning, psychological empowerment and innovative work behaviour in Chinese higher education. Middle East Journal of Management, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 1-22 (ABDC- B, ESCI)
- Sumbal, S. M, Ali. M, U. F, Mir. F. M, Tariq. A, Munir. H., (2021). Big Data Based Knowledge Management Vs Traditional Knowledge Management: A People, Process and Technology Perspective, Journal of Information Science and Engineering (IF: 0.66, SSCI) Accepted.
- S. M. F., Naiding. Y., Rehman. A. U., Sahibzada. U.F., and Kanwal. F., (2020), From partners’ learning intent to knowledge leakage: The role of contract and trust. Knowledge Management Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/14778238.2020.1843985 (IF: 2.7, ABS: 2)
- Latif, K. F., Ruiz, P.A, & Sahibzada, U. F. (2020) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Customer Loyalty in the Hotel Industry: A Cross-Country Study. International Journal of Hospitality Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102565. (IF: 9.2, ABS: 3)
- Latif, K. F., Machuca, M. M., Marimon, F., & Sahibzada, U. F (2021). Servant Leadership, Career, and Life Satisfaction in Higher Education: A Cross-Country Study of Spain, China, and Pakistan. Applied Research in Quality of Life, Vol. 15 No.1, pp. 1-27. (IF: 3.0, ABS: 2)
- Latif, K. F., Afzal, O., Saqib, A., Sahibzada, U. F., & Alam, W. (2020). Direct and configurational paths of knowledge-oriented leadership, entrepreneurial orientation, and knowledge management processes to project success. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 22 No.1, pp. 149-170 (IF: 7.1, ABS: 2)
- Latif, K. F., Nazeer, A., Shahzad, F., Ullah, M., Imranullah, M., & Sahibzada, U. F. (2020). Impact of entrepreneurial leadership on project success: mediating role of knowledge management processes. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. Vol. 41 No. 2, pp. 237- 256. (IF: 3.2, ABS: 2)
- Latif, K. F., Sajjad, A., Bashir, R., Shaukat, M. B., Khan, M. B., & Sahibzada, U. F (2020). Revisiting the relationship between corporate social responsibility and organizational performance: The mediating role of team outcomes. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1911. (IF: 8.7, ABS: 2)
- Ahmad, N., Zhu, Y., Shafait, Z., Sahibzada, U. F., & Waheed, A. (2019). Critical barriers to brownfield redevelopment in developing countries: The case of Pakistan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 212, pp. 1193-1209. (IF: 9.2, ABS: 2)
- Iqbal, A., Latif, F., Marimon, F., Sahibzada, U. F., & Hussain, S. (2019). From knowledge management to organizational performance: Modelling the mediating role of innovation and intellectual capital in higher education. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 32 No. 1, pp, 36-59. (IF: 5.3, ABS: 2)
- Latif, K. F., Latif, I., Sahibzada, U. F., & Ullah, M. (2019). In search of quality: measuring Higher Education Service Quality (HiEduQual). Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol. 30 No. 7-8, pp. 768-791.(IF: 3.8, ABS: 3)
Research supervision
Ph.D. and Masters students
- Supervising five students of Masters in Abasyn University (2020- Present).
- Supervising two Ph.D. students at Abasyn University (2020- Present).
- Co-supervising Ph.D. thesis at the School of Engineering And Built Environment, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. (2022- Present)
- Co-supervising master’s thesis at the School of Business Management, Victoria University, Australia (2021- Present).
- Co-supervising master’s thesis at the School of Business Management, Victoria University, Australia (2021- Present).
- Co-supervising Ph.D. thesis at the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China (2021- Present).
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration (ESCI, ABDC)
Editorial Advisor - Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (ESCI, ABDC)
Editorial Advisor - Heliyon (SCIE- IF. 4 – ABDC)
Associate Editor
- Examined one Ph.D. thesis from Management Development Institute, Gurgaon- India (2021).
- Examined seven master dissertations from Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan (2021).
- Examined three master dissertations from Air University, Islamabad- Pakistan (2021).
- Examined one Ph.D. proposal from the Institute of Business Administration, Sukkur Campus- Pakistan (2020).
- Best Dissertation Award from Northwestern Polytechnical University and Chinese Scholarship Council, 2023.
- Master Trainer for Capacity Building of Academic Leadership in Advance Research, Teaching Methodologies and Service Provisions, United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan, 2022.
- Outstanding Student Award from Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2021.
- Excellent Student Award “Chinese Scholarship Council” (2020).
- Best researcher of the year 2020 (Abasyn University, Peshawar).
Grants and Commissions
- Project Title: “Integrating interrelated risks and attribute values for multi-attribute decision making under uncertainty”.
Funder: National Nature Science Foundation of China. - Project Title: “Multi-criteria decision making with interrelated criteria and risks under uncertainty”.
Funder: Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China. - Project Title: “Innovation-driven, intelligent prediction, and decision-making for sustainable development of the renewable resource industry”.
Funder: Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China.