Learning Development Tutor

Steve is a Learning Development Tutor based at Canterbury Campus. He works with staff and students at all levels to develop inclusive learning and assessment opportunities. He is an active member of the UCA Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Steve completed an ESRC funded PhD in Education at Goldsmiths, University of London in 2024. His research takes a critical sociolinguistic approach to questions of social justice and centres around race and class in Higher Education. This approach has been informed by his professional practice across a range of Higher Education Institutions and his studies In Applied Linguistics (MA Kings College, London) and Social and Political Theory (MSc Birkbeck, University of London). He became a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2019.
Research outputs
- Dixon-Smith, S. (2023) ‘Language and Youth in Education and Family’ in B. Svensen and R. Jonsson (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Language and Youth Culture. London: Routledge.
- Dixon-Smith, S. (2022) ‘‘‘How are you Brown?’: orienting to racializing discourses and exclusion at university in Brexit Britain’, in A. Auer & J. Thorburn (eds.) Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity. Bern: Peter Lang.
- Badger, I., Dixon-Smith, S., Hatfield, E., Kupper, C., Rowan, J., Sutter, J. & Wallis, M. (2016) 'Critical collaboration: a narrative account of a newly established professional team' In: Schneider, M. et al. (ed.) Connecting the dots: Collaboration across learning support professions in higher education to enhance student learning. Huddersfield: Innovative Libraries.
Commissioned Papers
- Da Costa, C., Dixon-Smith, S. & Singh, G. (2021) Beyond BAME: Rethinking the politics, construction, application, and efficacy of ethnic categorisation. Coventry: HERAG. Accessible at: https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/publications/beyond-bame-rethinking-the-politics-construction-application-and-
- Dixon-Smith, S. (2017) Co-researching beyond the category: a thematic analysis of a student-led focus group study into BME student experiences at the University for the Creative Arts. UCA. Accessible at: https://tinyurl.com/ycea5886
Selected Conference Papers
- Dixon-Smith, S. (2023) ‘Looking like a Londonish accent: indexical inversion and everyday articulations of race and class in a UK undergraduate architecture studio’ Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication 9. UCL.
- Dixon-Smith, S. (2021) ‘Beyond BAME: discursive constructions of identity’ Degrees of Difference: Examining racialised disadvantage in UK higher education, BERA Annual Conference.
- Dixon-Smith, S. (2021) ‘Constructing ethnicities in racialized structures: questions of identity’, Why (not) Race, Sociolinguistic Symposium 23. University of Hong Kong.
- Badger, I., Dixon-Smith, S., Holder, A. & Trogal, A. (2019) ‘Demystifying, challenging and (re)working together: Cross-specialist collaboration to support transitions into HE’, Curriculum Design Symposium: The Hidden Curriculum: Unpacking the academic practices critical for student success. Advance HE.
- Dixon-Smith, S. (2019) ‘Re-articulating ethnicity, race and class in Higher Education’, BERA Annual Conference: Social Justice SIG.
- Dixon-Smith, S. (2018) ‘Transition Talk: discursive constructions of identity beyond ‘BME’ for architecture students entering HE’, Critical perspectives on transitions into, through and beyond Higher Education. Centre for Higher Education Equity Research – University of Sussex.
- Dixon-Smith, S. & Elugbadebo-Solomons, A. (2017) ‘Co-researching beyond the Category’ Paper presented at Connecting Higher Education: International perspectives on research-based education. UCL.
Research supervision
- Nikolai Elkins – Queer(y)ing the gap: a study of the LGB attainment premium in higher education (3rd Supervisor).
- Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy
- Member of the British Educational Research Association
- Member of the British Association of Applied Linguistics